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5 Suggestions for TED Like Presentations

TED-Talk-WebSince the very first day I started working in the training & development field, one of the most requested training topics is “Effective Presentation Skills.” The most important reason of this is that speaking in front of an audience is a common fear of us. We all want to be liked but in the mean time ask ourselves the question: What if I am not?

In the recent years the threshold of a good presentation has risen. The typical suggestions like;

*use bullet points instead of plain text and have maximum 6 lines per slide,

*do not use cliparts but good visuals and photographs,

*have eye contact with the audience and do not fold your arms while talking etc… are not sufficing our needs any more.

In my opinion the most essential factor increasing the threshold is TED.com. TED talks, which are short, effective and interesting have effected our perceptions. We have no patience for monotonous, boring and empty presentations any more.

Considering my favourite talks at TED I would like to share 5 common points of successful presentations with you:

Story1# Have a Core Message to Deliver 

Determine why you are making this speech and what you want to deliver to your audience. Deliver new information on a topic? Just create some inpiration? Set your core message and build your presentation around it. Repeat the message several times and make sure it will stick to the minds of your audience.

2# Construct the Flow Like a Story

Do not let your talk be composed of consecutive slides following each other with no constructed flow. Make an impressive beginning, use stories from real life that support your message and have a final which will be remembered.

In addition use visuals, pictures and videos to support your talk. Use text only if you think that is compulsary.

3# Decode Your Speech Text

For an effective presentation it is not enough to design the flow and prepare impressive slides. To make your speech flow, you should better decode your speech text and know what to say at each point. Before my presentations, I note down what I am planning to say at each slide and make use of them during my rehearsals. That makes me feel confident and have an excellent timing.


4# Make It Short

Preparing a short presentation is much harder that preparing a long one. In order to deliver your message effectively make it short and simple. Keep the parts that are necessary and cut the parts whose omission will not be noticed. While doing this, you may work on the decoded text of your speech.

5# Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse…

TED speakers rehearse their talks tens of times before they take the stage. Before your presentations you should really rehearse and make sure you are prepared. Especially the first impression is very important,  so memorize the beginning of your speech to perfection and the rest will follow.

What are suggestions for impressive and effective presentations? I would really like to learn them.

Müge Arslan


Brilliant TED Speakers Practice Up To 200 Times, Carmine Gallo, Forbes, 17.03.2014

Talking TED-Style: 5 Steps To a Winning Presentation, Carmine Gallo, Business News Daily, 19.03.2014


  • Serife Arici

    My suggestion may be; choosing commonly used words as if it is not a speech but a conversation between you and the audience. If the words we use are too terminological, it may be hard to follow for the others.

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