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All items for September, 2013


Liven Up Your Training Programs With Infographics

Brain is capable of absorbing 36,000 images every minute and almost 90% of the information absorbed by the brain comes through the eyes. Stemming from these facts, today visual information such as pictures, drawings or dynamic videos is often designed to facilitate learning and instruction. These visuals improve cognition by utilizing information, enhance the effectiveness of the learning process and make it easier for the users to remember the details of the subject. Continue reading…

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Big Opportunity for Human Resources: Big Data Analysis

Every day we are producing mass amount of information. According to the estimation of Zettaset*, we create 2.5 quintillion* bytes of data every day and 90% of the data in the world today has been created in the last two years alone. This massive volume of information and the technology required to store it is called with the term Big Data. Even though big data is not such a new phenomenon, the concept of Big Data is one of the new hypes of the recent years. Indeed the real new thing is the analyses of the big data and the meaningful results as a result of the analyses. Continue reading…