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Learning on Your Own & Top Free Resources For Learning and Development

Is it possible for us to learn any subject that we have no idea about by working on it only by ourselves? In my opinion one of the best examples that proves this is possible; is Professor Sugata Mitra’s “Hole in the Wall” experiment.

Sugata Mitra is Professor of Educational Technology at Newcastle University in England and is described as a polymath owing to his researches spanning in a wide range of disciplines. In an experiment he conducted in 1999, known as the Hole in the Wall, he placed a computer in a wall in a slum at Kalkaji, Delhi and children were allowed to use it freely. The experiment aimed at proving that children could be taught by computers very easily without any formal training. Continue reading…

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Hints on Return on Investment (ROI) Measurement of Training Programs

There are many resources written on Kirk Patrick’s four level evaluation model and Jack Phillips’ five level ROI model. Each model is a subject of a book and it is not possible to explain both models in a single article. In my post I will try to point out essential points in the training effectiveness measurement process and will share some hints with you.

During measurement of a training program’s return on investment, what you need most is the support of the related business unit because through the process you will need data, reports and comments of the business unit. Continue reading…

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Twitter For A New Way of Learning

Founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone and Evan Williams in 2006, Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms with over 500 million registered users. Each day 135.000 new user sign up the web site and 58 million new tweets are posted.

Via Twitter it is possible to follow well-known people such as politicians, celebrities and journalists. Also companies’ corporate communication departments are actively using the platform in order to communicate with their customers. With this feature the platform is a significant marketing arena. Continue reading…

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Gamification In Business

treeThe term “gamification” is usually defined as the use of gameplay mechanics for non-game applications. Despite the fact that the term “gamification” is relatively recently used, the idea gamification is not so new.

Gamification mechanisms have been used by many companies and sectors of the economy for many years. An example here might be the hotel industry and aviation sector. Hotels have been using loyalty card systems, which are collected points earned by customers through the use of hotel services for the network. In turn, the aviation sector has been using a system depending on collection. For example, after collecting a certain amount of flight miles, customer gains the right to one free flight. Continue reading…

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Top 5 TED Speeches for Trainers

TED Conferences have become a phenomenon in recent years. Everyday around 340,000 users visit www.ted.com website and monitor the speeches. On the platform there are many examples of effective and informative speeches that generally last less than 18 minutes. With its content which is free of charge, the website is a unique training and development resource.

Representing the initial letters of Technology, Entertainment and Design; first TED meeting was organized in 1984. Conferences started be organized annually after 1990 and the recorded sessions are published on the web since 2006. As of June 2013, 1.537 videos are uploaded on the web site with a varying content such as economy, health, education and technology. Continue reading…