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Web 2.0: Social Learning In The 21st Century

Sosyal ÖğrenmeOnline platforms and social media are effective tools for promotions in marketing as well as for hiring in human resources. When you take into account the development of learning technologies and the learning habits of Y generation, these platforms also represent an essential opportunity for learning activities. Before further details and examples of the use of social media in learning, I would like to explain “Social Learning” concept briefly. Continue reading…

  • Amit Pandey

    I really like reading all the points, and these are really very informative for me. After reading this, I got to know much more information’s about the Human resource.Thanks a lot for sharing.

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Reflections From The Movie Screen To Human Resources: Cine Education

Which movie has impressed you the most until now?

Who is your favorite movie character?

Have you known that the most impressing movie, scene or the character according to you give clues about your world-view? Movies are the projections of our lives and the life itself. That’s why cine-education (cine-edu) have been developed by using the movies in different ways.

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7 Things I Learned From Jeff Bullas

Jeff BullasI have been sharing my experiences and researches via my blog at http://mugekurubas.blogspot.com/ since July 2013. I have learned a lot about blogging, got acquinted with other bloggers and experts in my field.

During the design period of my website; my friends made valuable contributions to the design and content. One of the resources I benefited from was an e-book entitled “8 Key Steps to Blogging Mastery” by Jeff Bullas (thanks to Oya Yaşayan for the suggestion). In his book, Bullas shares his personal blogging experiences and (as the title suggests) summarizes these experiences under eight topics.

In this post; I would like to summarize the points from which I benefited the most:

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  • Amit Pandey

    Great. I also learned 7 things after reading this blog. Keep sharing.

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Two Training Programs On Creative Thinking

Considering the training programs in corporate life, one of the most popular topics is entitled “Creative Thinking”. In today’s environment our life styles and socioeconomic conditions are changing rapidly. Additionally expectations of customers are continuously increasing. In order to meet these expectations; every firm, every department and every employee need to think and act in more creative ways. This situation has led to an increase in demand for “Creative Thinking” courses.

Well, here is a question we need to face: Could creative thinking skill be improved via training programs? I have to say that it is not possible to answer this question with a “Yes” considering the courses I have attended so far. Main purpose of the courses on this topic should be to direct the attendees to look at the things with a different perspective and to inspire them by giving some examples of creative thinking. Continue reading…

  • Amit Pandey

    Wow..I really like reading this blog. The picture is also very nice and beautiful. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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A Day On Management With Rumelt and Drucker

The most essential thing that shapes the future of companies is undoubtedly the managerial skills of the managers. As human resources professionals, we are in close contact with the management of the company. We are aligning our plans and programs to the company’s strategies and the decisions of the management.

On Tuesday I attended two important summits in İstanbul. The first one was arranged by Yapı Kredi Banking Academy and the summit focused on the term “Strategy”. The second one was arranged by Peter Drucker Turkey Initiative and it was a panel with speakers from different fields. Continue reading…

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